Tuesday, September 30, 2008


As most know, I currently work for Mediconnect as a Legal Account Manager. Basically I resolve issues and concerns for Lawyers on medical record requests. I have been feeling extremely discouraged about my job lately, well about life as well, but let's chat about work now. In the last week there have been 3 individuals that have been removed from thier jobs. That made me very nervous. You look at the economy and hear that individuals are getting fired and I began to wonder how secure I was in my job. So today I go into to work to learn that our global president was also leaving the company, by his choice. The nice thing about our President is that his door was always open. So this morning I asked if he had a minute to chat. So into his office I go. His first comment was, I take it you have heard the news that I am leaving. I let him know that I had heard and that I was concerned about the company and my job. If I were to loose my job right now, I would be in a world of trouble financially. He then proceeded to let me know that my job and I was completley safe with the company. The company is actually in a better place than it has been in quite some time. I was also informed that our CEO values me as an employee. This was such a relief to hear. Ironically I also heard this from 2 other employees. One had a meeting with our CEO, and was asked who she had been training with. When she stated that she was training with me, our CEO stated, "that is great. Anna is one of our best employees, she knows what she is doing." Then another new employee was in a meeting with our CEO today and our CEO told all of the new employees that if they had any questions that I was a great asset because I know my job and the company and I do a great job. I felt very honored by these compliments and it made me feel much better about my job. It was good to hear these things because life has been a bit rough lately and has taken some very tough changes and turns... I just keep saying to myself, this too shall pass.